Self Reflection- Lets do it together

Self Reflection
Through this journey to the self, I've learned that it's not all pretty Rose Quartz & yoga outfits. Sometimes it's taking a trip down memory lane with Black Obsidian to be truthful with yourself while identifying what's holding you in the past. Being honest with yourself will open up your eyes, give you a new perspective on life & people while connecting you to your intuition. No one can lie to you successfully if you're not lying to yourself.
I found this game called "We're Not Really Strangers"
the tagline is "A card game for meaningful connections."
Among the many different expansion decks, you can add to the game like "Breakup Edition," "Relationship expansion pack" and "Honest Dating Expansion Pack". I saw "Self Reflection Kit" This deck comes with a journal & a WNRS pen; it has been CATAPULTING me down a self-reflecting journey that I am happy to be on and honestly needed. During 2020 I wasn't able to use my usual coping mechanism of running. Usually, if something made me upset or emotionally uncomfortable, I would simply disappear and take a road trip somewhere to pretend it wasn't happening, then come back a happy go lucky person (Sagittarius life). Doing the hard work by staying in one place to work on those challenging situations while using my tools like healing crystals, open communication, and more that we'll get into. It taught me how strong I am as an individual and made me admire my way of communicating.
So I want to take you with me while I go through this deck of twist and turns into my subconscious.
Every week I will share 2 cards that I pulled. Feel free to play along with me and let me know what it has unlocked for you.
Use #venusunlocked or tag @followingvenusblog
If you'd like to share but keep it personal just send me a DM!
Seriously this was the first card I pulled. Way to throw your girl into the deep end right? It's such a necessary question though, isn't it? We always focus so much on how the other person felt or all the bad stuff after a breakup that we often never go back to review them all to see the growth that came from us intertwining our lives with another. I did ask myself what my exes taught me and what the relationship itself self-taught me because it was important for me to work through it to separate the two. When answering this question for yourself it's nice to work with Lapis Lazuli and Black Obsidian
Yes, it went up from here. I did have to remind myself of all those times I fueled the flames of miscommunication because I wasn't able to express my feelings. When reading this prompt accept whatever comes and let it all go on the paper. Then walk away. Don't take those feelings into the rest of your day.
Don't create toxicity in your day.
With Love & Light,